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Our mission is to provide goodwill and support to fans in need through financial assistance, connections to programs that provide valuable services and through positive encouragement with the support of the community of fans known as the 12s. #WeAreAll12s


12s Helping 12s is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rganization whose mission is to provide goodwill & support to those in need. We help others by offering positive options and outlooks to life challenges with an emphasis on helping youth and families.  We offer Assistance Grants to those who could use a helping hand, particularly during the holidays with our Holiday Grant Program.  Our Grant Program also provides groceries, supplies and other needed items to cancer patients and their families through organizations like the Swedish Cancer Institute. We also assist the homeless in the area by providing food, hygiene kits and supplies.  When we see that someone is down, we are there to pick them up and let them know that we and the community of 12s are there for them and that “We got your back”.  It is our hope that those receiving assistance will “Pay It Forward” and extend a helping hand of their own to someone in need.  When we visit with kids, we remind them to ”Respect one another”, “Never bully” and “Stay in school”.  We are 12s Helping 12s, Fanz 4 Good, helping to make life better, one fan at a time..

Mark Collins & Norb Caoili visiting John Bachner and his family at Harborview Medical Center after a devastating car accident.

As part of our mission is to provide goodwill and support to people in need, we offer Assistance Grants to those who could use a helping hand. 

Assistance Grants valued up to $250 are awarded to qualified individuals/families.  Please use the application form below if you feel you could benefit from our program.

Norb presenting the Anderson family with a Holiday Grant

Sarah and fellow 12, Linda Boxwell, delivering supplies to the firefighters in Central Washington.

Mark giving 11-year-old Jack a surprise for the Holidays

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