• Hawk Fest 2018: Sunday, May 20th, Emerald Downs, Auburn, WA
• 12s Helping 12s transitioning to 501c3 federal non-profit status
Norb talks about the success of the 2017 Holiday Grant program

12s Helping 12s is accepting nominations & donations for our grants program. We will be awarding $250 & $100 grants for supplies & meals to families in need. If you know a family who is down on their luck, feel free to nominate them at the NOMINATE A FAMILY page.
Please consider making a donation to 12s Helping 12s. In addition to our grants program, money raised also goes to Help the Homeless with meals, hygiene kits and more! To donate, please click below.
Please help us help others this holiday season by taking the "12s Helping 12s Challenge:" donate $12 (or more) and challenge 12 of your friends to do the same! Let's show the world what the true spirit of the 12s is all about - passion for our team and for helping others!
GO HAWKS and thank you for your support!
Mark, Norb & Sarah