Fanz 4 Good (Formerly 12s Helping 12s)
Fanz 4 Good awards over $50,000 in assistance in 2020
2020 was an incredibly challenging year, but thanks to the generosity of people like you, we were able to award over $12,000 in holiday and assistance grants to Swedish cancer patients’ families and people in need this holiday season.
We were also able to help Brian and Tammy Edwards whose story made worldwide news. Tammy, a frontline medical worker became infected with COVID-19 and passed it in to her husband, Brian, who ended up in a coma and a ventilator. Tammy stayed by his side 24/7 virtually with her cell phone and he miraculously recovered, but they still continue to suffer from the lingering effects of the virus. We provided them over $20,000 in assistance funds thanks to your donations.
Finally, we were able to raise over $20,000 for legendary Seahawks fan, Mama Blue, in her fight against pancreatic cancer. Not only did she make it through her initial treatment with minimal side effects, she was able to celebrate her 90th birthday in January and was voted 2nd place in the NFL Fan of the Year contest. None of this would have been possible without your support.
How can you help? Here are 4 ways:
We need to replenish our funds and like last year, we will have to do it without the help of one of our big fundraising events, Hawk Fest. So what can you do to help? Here are 4 ways!
1) Facebook birthday fundraisers. You can create a birthday fundraiser to benefit Fanz 4 Good. It's easy to set up and Facebook takes no fees. 100% goes to Fanz 4 Good!
2) Sign up for Amazon Smiles. Everytime you shop on Amazon, be sure to login with smile.amazon.com and .5% of all purchases will benefit Fanz 4 Good! It's not a huge amount but every little bit adds up.
3) Metalhawks - we have partnered with Rolland Nelson, aka Metalhawk, and he creates these beautiful metal works of art ranging from Seahawks to Kraken. He doesn't sell them. They are only available with a donation to Fanz 4 Good. For more information, please visit our website, fanz4good.com
4) Finally, you can always donate directly to Fanz 4 Good - either through our website or our Facebook page. Fanz4Good is a registered 501c3 non-profit charity so every donation is tax deductible. Be sure to consult your tax advisor or accountant for details.
On behalf of Mark Collins and Sarah Bryan, we thank you for your continued support of Fanz 4 Good and GO HAWKS!!!

"This is a gift that I shall never forget... I am completely humbled and excited that I have such wonderful friends..."
~Celia, Holiday Grant recipient
"...this gift means so much to me. When you can't work, the medical bills burn through your life savings faster than people imagine. Everything helps... this is a reminder that there are people out there like you. Thank you!"
~Swedish Cancer Institute patient
"It was a really nice surprise and well needed. You have restored my faith..."
~Sandra, Holiday Grant recipient
"Our family wants to thank you for the amazing gifts and generosity... We cannot express enough of our gratitude for the love and kindness we received."
~Swedish Cancer Institute patient
"What you did for us was SO AMAZING! We are a family of faith and I knew God had a plan. I just had no idea He sent other 12 Fans to help! You're the best!
~LeAnn, Holiday Grant recipient
Our mission is to provide goodwill and support to cancer patients and people in need of financial assistance or services
Fanz 4 Good is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to provide goodwill & support to those in need. Our Assistance Grants program provides groceries and supplies to cancer patients and others in need. We assist the homeless by providing food, hygiene kits and supplies. When someone is down, we and our community of fans are there to let them know that “we got your back”. We visit with kids and remind them to ”respect one another”, “never bully” and “stay in school”. Fanz 4 Good helped acquire a wheelchair van for a victim of a devastating car crash, delivered money and supplies to firefighters and victims of forest fires and presented football memorabilia to military veterans. We work with partner charities, like the Wheels of Boom and the Swedish Cancer Institute. Together, we are all Fanz 4 Good, making life better, one fan at a time.

Mark Collins & Norb Caoili visiting John Bachner and his family at Harborview Medical Center after a devastating car accident.

Sarah Bryan delivering much needed food, hygiene kits and supplies to area homeless.