Hawk Fest ‘19 – 5th annual Hawks Fan Rally & Fundraiser!
June 2nd, 1-5pm
FREE ADMISSION!!! ($12/person donations gladly accepted & appreciated)
Hawk Fest is a fun-filled rally for all Hawk fans big & small! Join us for an afternoon of live music, food, drink, games, prizes and more, as we celebrate our Hawks while also raising funds to help those who need a helping hand. Hawk Fest is organized by Fanz 4 Good whose mission is to provide goodwill & support to those in need.
Hawk Fest activities include:
• Music & Entertainment • Bouncy Houses • Truck & Car Exhibition
• Face Painting • 50-50 Raffle • Merchandise Raffle
• Silent Auction • Super Fans & Players • Informational Booths
And Much More!
To donate an AUCTION or RAFFLE Item, please CLICK HERE.
- For more information about AUCTION/RAFFLE donations, download the PDF:
To become a Hawk Fest Sponsor, CLICK HERE.
- For more information about becoming a SPONSOR, download the PDF: